Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric Benefits For Health And how mixes

Turmeric benefits of a diverse regam make turmeric plant is very familiar to everyone. Turmeric is also easy to find, because so many benefits of turmeric. By mothers of turmeric is often used as a spice in cuisines such as curry, soup, vegetables lodeh, or too often experienced in the manufacture of dyes dijadika Variations yellow.

Besides turmeric is often used in health and beauty. But despite the many benefits of turmeric

The content of the most dominant Turmeric is a medicinal compound called 2C $ curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin bisdesmetoksikurkumin much as 10% and as much as 1-5% and beneficial substances such as essential oils consisting of ketones sesquiterpenes, turmeron, tumeon 60 %, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contains as much as 1 -3% fat, 3% carbs, 30% Protein, Starch 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and upkalsium.

Here are some benefits of saffron or turmeric for health:

Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. How to cure: Take 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Then boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered. after it was taken 2 times a week 1/2 cup.

1.      For Typhus Hospital. How: Prepare 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 hump sere, 1 sheet bitter leaf. Then all the ingredients finely and squeezed to take water, then add 1 cup of the cooking water is still warm, and filtered. Drunk, and performed for 1 week in a row. Or take one of the simplest grated turmeric, then squeeze without diberri water, then water was added honey turmeric juice mix well. Then drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.
2.      For dysentery. How to take 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste. Then all the material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered. Drunk and repeated until healed.
3.      Stomach Heartburn during menstruation. Way to take one for 4 cm turmeric, 1 by 4 cm ginger, 1/2 rhizome kencur 4 cm. Then all the material is washed and shredded to take water, then add the lime juice, brewed with 1/2 cup hot water and filtered. Can also added salt and sugar to taste and drink on the first day of menstruation. or maybe honey.
4.      Streamlining the ASI. How one until finely ground turmeric, kamdianunakan: applied as a compress around each breast 1 time every 2 days.
5.      Cangkrang (Waterproken) How 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves eceng, then pounded until smooth. After it is applied to the taxable part cangkrang.
6.      Mucus stools (dysentery) How 1 rhizome of turmeric, 1 slice of gambier, 1/4 tablespoon whiting. Then boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered. Then drink 2 times a day 1/2 cup, morning and afternoon.
7.      Diarrhoea How rhizome of turmeric 1/2 fingers; penetrance wind 1/2 teaspoon; Coriander 3 seeds; Fruit wood ules 1 seed; leaves Trawas 1 piece, Mix ground, plus 115 ml of water and boiled; then filtered, Drunk in the morning and afternoon; each time drank 100 ml

You can also take advantage of turmeric to the skin, like a princess palace. This is a recipe passed down scrub at the Royal Palace in Java. But if we are too busy cultivating turmeric for drugs above, you can get that is in powder form. Many are already in the form of capsules, all we can buy at the store nearest herbs. It will be easier for us to consume.

For women who are pregnant, do not take turmeric for saffron suspected triggers preterm birth. Hopefully the above benefits of turmeric can be worthwhile for all of us.

benefits of guava fruit

The content of guava supported by the content of pectin which is a soluble fiber. With the presence of pectin, guavas benefits can also lower cholesterol. Guava also contain lycopene are abundant. Lycopene has benefits as an antioxidant to protect the body from cancer. In addition, other ingredients useful in guava is eugenol (essential oils), tannins, fatty oils, tanning substances, resins, acid apfel, and triterpinoid.Jambu (Psidium guajava L) is only popular when dengue outbreak. In fact, fruits are rich in vitamin C has many health benefits that have not been widely known.
1. Diarrhea drugGuava is rich in alkaline that are naturally astringent, disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties that help in healing diarrhea and dysentery caused by microbial growth and reduce the production of excess mucus from the intestines.Furthermore, with the other content in guava, such as vitamin C and Potassium Carotenoids will help strengthen the digestive system to cope with the bacteria.
2. Cough and cold medicinesWith menjus young guava useful for treating coughs and colds, reduces mucus, loosen respiratory tract, throat and lungs. High doses of vitamin C contained in guava can boost the immune system to fight infections that cause flu, cough and fever.
3. Beauty skinSubstances contained in guava can help tighten the skin is loose, leaving skin fresh, youthful and free of blemishes, wrinkles and other skin diseases. You do this by directly mengkonsusmi half-ripe guava. Can also use the leaves or bark of guava by washing and then boiled guava leaves and after cold boiled water to drink.Red guava has many many nutrients that are beneficial to health. The content of Vitamin C, A, B complex, fiber and many other minerals needed by the body.Guava is also able to improve skin texture., And able also to lose weight.lycopene in guava young can prevent skin damage from the effects of UV rays
4. Anti Cancer.Guava is low in calories and fat but contains essential vitamins such as, minerals and poly-phenolic antioxidant compounds; flavonoids and lycopene plays an important role in cancer prevention, anti-aging, and increase endurance.lycopene, a compound kartenoid commonly called anti-cancer substances can protect the body from various kinds of diseases, especially cancer.Of cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and lambung.selain to prevent cancer, red guava fruit is also able to treat patients with dengue fever and anemia (lack of red blood) because in red guava fruit also contains minerals that can hemogolbin facilitate the formation of red blood cells.
5. Digestion.The fruit is very rich source of soluble fiber (5.4 g per 100 g of fruit, about 14% of the DRA), which is good for improving digestion. Fiber helps to protect the intestinal mucous membrane by reducing the adverse effects of toxins and cancer-causing chemicals binding in the colon.
6. Nutrition is important for brain and nerve function.Vitamin B on guava health plays an important role in brain function. Guava is rich in vitamin B3 and B6. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin which serves to stimulate brain function and improve blood flow, and vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an important nutrient for brain and nerve function.
7. Increase endurance.Scientific studies show that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body regularly become stronger against infections, and cancer-causing free radicals that are harmful to the body.
8. Protect your lungs and oral cavity.Guava fruit is a source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. The compound is known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for health. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and the skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in carotenes known to protect the lung and oral cavity cancers.
9. Helps control heart rate and blood pressure.Fresh Guava is very rich in potassium, even more than bananas per 100 g of fruit weight. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
10. Increasing production of red blood cells.Guava is also a source of B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin E, and K, and minerals like magnesium, copper, and manganese. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.
11. Increases blood plateletsAlthough there are no definitive studies on the benefits of guava seeds to treat dengue fever (DHF), but many believe the red guava can increase blood platelets penderitan dengue. vitamins and minerals are high on red guava can help speed up the process penyembuahn on oarang ya pain without causing side effects.
Very many benefits of red guava fruit for health, as well as readily available everywhere and of course the price is cheap. Red guava fruit can be consumed directly, or the most widely used red guava juice.Guava is a source of antioxidants and vitamin C, providing more than three times the daily intake requirement. Skin Foreign guava contain high vitamin C than the tengahnnya.
Other benefits of guava for health including weight loss, diabetes medication, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of cancer, swollen gums and tooth loss, as a topical wound healer, convulsions, epilepsy, bacterial infections and constipation.

Benefits of soursop fruit

Soursop fruit is a fruit that we know only as the fruit is sweet and delicious when eaten like any other fruit, and do not take part in the activities in order to safeguard human health
But did you know that the fruit that comes from the Caribbean, South America is in fact contain some rare substance that turned out to be very useful for health care even meyembuhkan disease.
The content contained in soursop fruit and its benefits as follows:
1.        Ascorbic acid increases the amount of antioxidants in the body. It helps fight against free radicals in the body and helps maintain a number of infections and disorders at bay.
2.        This fruit also helps in reducing the pain and discomfort caused by constipation. Because fruit contains soluble and insoluble fiber, it adds bulk to the stool and facilitates easy elimination from the body.
3.       One of the health benefits of soursop leaves can be seen in the treatment of mouth ulcers effectively. Finely grind the leaves with water and apply it to the boil will help reduce the size of ulcers, the healing them completely and also reduces irritation.
4.       Drinking tea made with soursop soursop leaves or roots mix in water is known to reduce pain. Pain is the kind of back pain, especially in the lower back or lumbar region. A cup of tea daily will also help relieve inflammation of the muscles of the back.
5.        A pulp made with fresh soursop leaves and rose water when applied to the skin will prevent pimples, blackheads and other skin problems.
6.       Soursop fruit juice, taken twice daily, can help overcome kidney disease, liver problems, urinary tract infection (also known as urethritis) and hematuria (blood in the urine or), etc.
7.        The fleshy part of the fruit, if applied to any cuts will accelerate the healing process and also prevent bacterial infection.
8.       A stew soursop flowers and young shoots will help heal inflammation of the sinuses and also in the throat and nose. It also helps in the secretion of mucus to reduce irritation.
9.       You can successfully get rid of head lice and bed bugs using soursop leaf decoction. It will not only destroy the pest, but also keep them away.
10.   Soursop is also used as a remedy for cough, diarrhea, fever, and gastrointestinal. Including soursop supplements will reduce the intensity of the condition and also enhance recovery.
In addition to the above soursop fruit also has the following benefits:
·         Soursop fruit can help in relieving the pain caused by constipation.
·         Soursop fruit contains phosphorus and calcium is high enough. So that the fruit can prevent osteoporosis and build strong bones.
·          You can consume Soursop Fruit juice 2x a day, to help cope with the disease in the body, such as urethritis (also called urinary tract infections), liver problems, hematuria (or blood in the urine) and kidney disease.
·          Soursop fruit contains fructose. Fructose can keep you fresh, and can generate energy
·         Soursop fruit has a high content of vitamin C so that 13% of the body's needs can be met by this fruit. Soursop fruit also can increase endurance and slow aging.
So a few examples of the benefits of Soursop fruit is already known. Do not rule out the possibility there are many benefits of Soursop fruit as yet unknown, and it is still under investigation.

Jumat, 09 November 2012


Efficacy and Benefit of Starfruit Wuluh For Health

Starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L) Wuluh Carambola fruit is a fruit that tastes sour and slightly sour, besides that we know starfruit contains a lot of saving health benefits, and in addition starfruit itself has properties that are very useful for health. Among the benefits of the starfruit as Antipyretics; expectorants. And parts of plants used as medicine are: The Flowers, fruits, and leaves.

The following are some of the properties of the fruit and starfruit leaves for medicinal plants:

Efficacy Belimbing Wuluh For Body Health

Mumps Pain
Take half a handful of leaves starfruit and mash together with the garlic 3. Compress on the part of the mumps.

Cough lozenge
Here are two ways. The first, boil the leaves, flowers, and fruit starfruit in the same amount of boiling water for half an hour. Drinking water. Looking for a second, take a handful of starfruit leaves, a handful of flowers, and two starfruit. Boil 2 cups of water with sugar cubes until the water the rest of the half. Strain and drink 2 times a day.

with Diabetes Treatments with Starfruit Wuluh, Carambola Leaves 20gram Wuluh fresh, plus enough water, the way is: Dipipis, taken 2kali day, every morning and evening; every time I drink 1/4 cup.

6 pieces starfruit crushed and boiled with a glass of water until the remaining half. Strain and drink twice a day.

Wash a handful of leaves starfruit. Mash until smooth and add whiting and rub it into the affected part.

Boil 10 flowers starfruit, tamarind and palm sugar with 3 cups of water until the water remaining 3/4 sections. Filter and drink twice a day.

Wash 5 pieces starfruit then chewables with salt. Repeat several times until the pain disappeared.

Just as an aside, for heartburn sufferers should NOT consume starfruit
and so encounter this time of the Carambola Fruit Benefits For Health Body Wuluh hope useful.

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Efficacy Rosella Flowers

The flowers are very tempting, many people who call rosella flowers. The most useful is the dried petals petals can be used to make syrup, jam, preserves, juice, salad, and pudding. In addition to taste, various processed rosella has pharmacological effects are fairly complete.Interest groups crimson rosella, thick, and juicy. The more intense the color red, it was more acidic and of course the greater usefulness. This plant is easy to grow, even in the village where I was raised this plant growing in the yard made in ornamental plants.
According to the study, antioxidants contained in tea rosella higher than the cat's whiskers that have been clinically proven able to break down kidney stones. Melelui study also found 51% and 24% anthocyanins anti-oxidants in a solution of 300 ml of water brewed with dried rosella flowers. In roselle anthocyanin can inhibit and kill cancer cells or red blood leukemia.Although new preclinical research in the laboratory, because there is no scientific evidence regarding its effect directly to humans. However, it has traditionally had a lot of people who use rosella flowers for high blood menurunka. If drinking steeping rosella flowers on a regular basis, then the nerves and tension neck stiffness due to hypertension will eventually disappear. The body becomes fitter and sleep soundly. rosella flowers use to lower high blood pressure has been tested clinically in Tehran, Iran.
All you need to remember, be careful when buying dried rosella flowers. You relatively easy to find dried rosella flowers, even in the market tradisionalpun you can get it. Avoid consuming dried rosella flowers red color has faded. Because maybe there is something wrong in the process of drying, packaging, or storage. Fading red dried rosella flowers mean 'dull' is a property that is in it.
Store your dried rosella flowers in a protected place, keep it away from direct sun contact. If it comes in contact with direct sunlight will make anthocyanins degraded, because other than beneficial to health antosianinlah which makes the color red rosella flowers.
Rosella flower petals can be taken as a refreshment in the form of syrups and teas, jams and beverages, especially of plants that flower lidded thick, ie Red Rosella. The petals contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids. All essential amino acids, 18 of which are in flower petals Rosella, including arginine and legnin a role in regenerating cells. In addition, Rosella also contains protein and calcium.

Efficacy Rosella Flowers for health include :

Is detoxification, neutralize toxins
Lowering blood pressure
Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics
Inhibit the growth of cancer
Maintain stamina
Lowering cholesterol in the blood
Balancing weight
Reduce heat and troubled chapter
Lowering the level of fat in the liver clotting
Reduce headache / migraine
Containing multivitamins, including vit.C and Beta-carotene
Helps recover from drug addiction

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Efficacy leaves binahong

Benefits and Benefits Leaves Binahong - Binahong is a plant that comes from Korea and is known as a medicinal plant in its home country since hundreds of years ago. In Indonesia alone Binahong was just recently used as an alternative medicine for various diseases, both mild disease and severe disease.

efficacy leaf binahong

In the China plant is also known by the name Binahong Dheng San Chi. Generally, people in China are also already familiar Binahong plants as plants that can cure various diseases since hundreds of years ago.

The Binahong plant parts are most commonly used as a medicinal herb is part of the trunk, roots, and leaves. But the most commonly used medicinal herb is the leaf Binahong.

Chemical Ingredients Binahong

The chemical content of what is contained in the leaves Binahong so touted to cure a variety of diseases, both minor ailments and serious illnesses? Binahong leaves have antioxidant, arkobat acid, total phenols, and high protein.

Processing leaves Binahong to be a natural remedy or traditional medicine is usually done by first washing the leaves thoroughly, then clean the leaves that have been mixed with water. Furthermore Binahong leaves that are mixed with water and then squeezing the water obtained is filtered and can be directly consumed.

Efficacy leaves Binahong

From the variety of information that can be found on the internet, says that leaves Binahong proven to treat and prevent various diseases. Among a disease that can be cured by consuming the leaves binahong are as follows:

    Accelerate recovery of health after surgery, childbirth, circumcision, all the wounds inside colitis.
    Smooth and normalize circulation and blood pressure.
    Preventing stroke, ulcers, gout.
    Adding and restore vitality stamina.
    Hemorrhoids (piles)
    Launching urination, defecation.
    Diabetes etc..
    Severe thrush.
    Stomach ache
    Body warmers

So a quick update on the efficacy of leaf Binahong.
May be useful