Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Efficacy Rosella Flowers

The flowers are very tempting, many people who call rosella flowers. The most useful is the dried petals petals can be used to make syrup, jam, preserves, juice, salad, and pudding. In addition to taste, various processed rosella has pharmacological effects are fairly complete.Interest groups crimson rosella, thick, and juicy. The more intense the color red, it was more acidic and of course the greater usefulness. This plant is easy to grow, even in the village where I was raised this plant growing in the yard made in ornamental plants.
According to the study, antioxidants contained in tea rosella higher than the cat's whiskers that have been clinically proven able to break down kidney stones. Melelui study also found 51% and 24% anthocyanins anti-oxidants in a solution of 300 ml of water brewed with dried rosella flowers. In roselle anthocyanin can inhibit and kill cancer cells or red blood leukemia.Although new preclinical research in the laboratory, because there is no scientific evidence regarding its effect directly to humans. However, it has traditionally had a lot of people who use rosella flowers for high blood menurunka. If drinking steeping rosella flowers on a regular basis, then the nerves and tension neck stiffness due to hypertension will eventually disappear. The body becomes fitter and sleep soundly. rosella flowers use to lower high blood pressure has been tested clinically in Tehran, Iran.
All you need to remember, be careful when buying dried rosella flowers. You relatively easy to find dried rosella flowers, even in the market tradisionalpun you can get it. Avoid consuming dried rosella flowers red color has faded. Because maybe there is something wrong in the process of drying, packaging, or storage. Fading red dried rosella flowers mean 'dull' is a property that is in it.
Store your dried rosella flowers in a protected place, keep it away from direct sun contact. If it comes in contact with direct sunlight will make anthocyanins degraded, because other than beneficial to health antosianinlah which makes the color red rosella flowers.
Rosella flower petals can be taken as a refreshment in the form of syrups and teas, jams and beverages, especially of plants that flower lidded thick, ie Red Rosella. The petals contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids. All essential amino acids, 18 of which are in flower petals Rosella, including arginine and legnin a role in regenerating cells. In addition, Rosella also contains protein and calcium.

Efficacy Rosella Flowers for health include :

Is detoxification, neutralize toxins
Lowering blood pressure
Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics
Inhibit the growth of cancer
Maintain stamina
Lowering cholesterol in the blood
Balancing weight
Reduce heat and troubled chapter
Lowering the level of fat in the liver clotting
Reduce headache / migraine
Containing multivitamins, including vit.C and Beta-carotene
Helps recover from drug addiction

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Efficacy leaves binahong

Benefits and Benefits Leaves Binahong - Binahong is a plant that comes from Korea and is known as a medicinal plant in its home country since hundreds of years ago. In Indonesia alone Binahong was just recently used as an alternative medicine for various diseases, both mild disease and severe disease.

efficacy leaf binahong

In the China plant is also known by the name Binahong Dheng San Chi. Generally, people in China are also already familiar Binahong plants as plants that can cure various diseases since hundreds of years ago.

The Binahong plant parts are most commonly used as a medicinal herb is part of the trunk, roots, and leaves. But the most commonly used medicinal herb is the leaf Binahong.

Chemical Ingredients Binahong

The chemical content of what is contained in the leaves Binahong so touted to cure a variety of diseases, both minor ailments and serious illnesses? Binahong leaves have antioxidant, arkobat acid, total phenols, and high protein.

Processing leaves Binahong to be a natural remedy or traditional medicine is usually done by first washing the leaves thoroughly, then clean the leaves that have been mixed with water. Furthermore Binahong leaves that are mixed with water and then squeezing the water obtained is filtered and can be directly consumed.

Efficacy leaves Binahong

From the variety of information that can be found on the internet, says that leaves Binahong proven to treat and prevent various diseases. Among a disease that can be cured by consuming the leaves binahong are as follows:

    Accelerate recovery of health after surgery, childbirth, circumcision, all the wounds inside colitis.
    Smooth and normalize circulation and blood pressure.
    Preventing stroke, ulcers, gout.
    Adding and restore vitality stamina.
    Hemorrhoids (piles)
    Launching urination, defecation.
    Diabetes etc..
    Severe thrush.
    Stomach ache
    Body warmers

So a quick update on the efficacy of leaf Binahong.
May be useful


Bengkoang efficacious to eliminate dark spots, acne, Natural Treatments beauty

All the best friend a girl crave a clean skin, free of acne and black spots. But one of the problems most often occur in the majority of friends ceweks Asia, especially those aged over 30 years, is the emergence of black spots or spots on the face.

Skin pigmentation or melasma, may occur in some parts of the body, especially in the face, caused by sun exposure.

In addition to sunlight, melasma can also occur due to the use of hormonal drugs, such as birth control medication. Plaques can also arise due to the former presence of acne, use of antibiotics, antiepileptic and anti-inflammatories.

Use cosmetics that are likely to contain mercury and salicylic acid, can make facial blemishes attacked. Because if used continuously, will cause the skin to become very sensitive to the sun.

Can black spots disappear?

Eliminate spots from your face, not easy as it requires regular maintenance in order spots disappear and never come back.
Eliminate Black Spots with Jicama Masks Many ways can be done to eliminate dark spots, ranging from masks to use cream bleach (bleaching cream) that are useful to brighten the face.

The function of bleaching creams is to raise the stratum corneum of the skin, eliminate blackheads, blood circulation under the skin, brighten and increase skin elasticity.

But with today's modern equipment, blemishes can be quickly eliminated. But to do so, the costs were not a few.

First of all to be friends ceweks do, is to do facial. The goal is to clean the face of the dead skin cells, so the face becomes brighter and prevent and eroded spots. How:

* Rub the cream on your face and leave on for 15 minutes.
* Clean your face and rub using a scrub to eliminate dead skin cells.
* Wash your face, then coat with a face mask.
* After the mask dried, cleaned his face again, then use a moisturizer.

Ceweks new best friend will find it useful, when doing facials on a regular basis for 10 times. The success rate depends on how severe the pain ceweks spots are best friends. For those of you who have facial skin spots are rather widespread, you should do facial once a week and helped with the night cream.

One of the materials that are now beginning to facial widely used and considered to be quite efficacious cleaning spots, is spirulina. Spirulina is seaweed that has been packaged in a kind of mud mask, its function is to reduce the spots because of its structure as a scrub. Spirulina is also available in capsule form and taken as a supplement.

With treatment once a week, for ten times the facial treatments, spots will fade. But of course, the effect will be more satisfying is a friend ceweks be diligent and do it regularly.

Doing Self Facial, Can?
Facial treatments can actually be friends ceweks do yourself at home, as long enough to know what ingredients are needed. Besides using mask materials are sold, ceweks friend can do facial with fruit or natural materials.

Yam mask or cucumber
Yam has long known to overcome the black spots on the face. So even cucumber. Friend ceweks live memblendernya, then smear on the face to fade dark spots on the face.

But use fruits that are fresh and in good condition, because if not careful, instead of healing, the skin will actually friends ceweks itching. If the face already sore and itchy, here's what you should do:

* Apply a thin layer of honey on the face for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.
* Wash your face with ice water, pat gently and evenly until you feel refreshed.

Treatment with yam or cucumber in a blender, both for those who are actively working in the outdoors. Effects yam juice or cucumber cool, it will feel cool in the face just after you wear it.

Lime slices
For friends ceweks over the age of 40 years, lemon slices evenly on the face and the entire body is able to lift dead skin cells. Let stand until dry, then rinse with lukewarm water so that the pores open. After that, rinse again with cold water to close pores.

In addition to lime, antioxidants contained in tea is also good for preventing premature aging. Tea contains tannin which is very good to deal sunburned skin, tightening the lips, facial skin care and black hair. How:

* Inapkan cup of strong tea overnight.
* Apply the tea water all over the face and body.
* Allow to dry by itself.
* Rinse with warm water to open the pores of the skin, then rinse with plain water.

Tea is also beneficial to refresh tired eyes, my ceweks just put a bag of tea bag that has been chilled directly on the eyelid. As I lay down, my ceweks skin care face and eyes.

Avoid Facial Toner
When cleaning your face using a cleansing milk at night or early morning, just rinse your face with plain water. Friend ceweks not need toner, astringent or face tonic, because its use would be excessive so that it resulted in increased dry skin. Unless you have oily skin.

If friends ceweks diligently doing facials at home, make sure your skin is first dibersihakan using scrubs. Keep in mind, the use of natural materials are the results are not instant as is done by laser or other salons. But if done regularly and correctly, the result is not less net. Good luck!

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Benefits of Plants Mahkota Dewa

Crown god (Phaleria macrocarpa [Scheff.] Boerl.) Can be found planted in home gardens as an ornamental plant in gardens or as a shade plant. Originally the plant crown god is still unknown. Judging by its botanical name Phaleria papuana, many people expect this plant from the original population of the land of Papua, Irian Jaya. There can indeed be found this plant. Crown god thrives in loose, fertile soil at an altitude of 10-1200 m asl. This chronic shrub grows upright with 1 to 2.5 m tall. Round its trunk, its surface rough, brown, woody and gummy, branching simpodial. Single leaf, located opposite, short-stemmed, lanceolate or oblong shape, tapered tip and base, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, smooth, dark green, 7-10 cm long, 2-5 cm wide. Flowers come out throughout the year, lying scattered on the stems or leaves armpits, tube shape, small, white, and fragrant. Fruits are round, 3-5 cm in diameter, smooth, grooved, when young, green and red color after cooking. The pulp is white, fibrous and watery. Seeds round, hard, brown. Rooted riding and yellow-brown. Propagation by grafting and seeds.

Local Name:
NAME OF simalakama (Malay), makutadewa, Makuto mewo, Makuto queen, Makuto rojo (Java). FOREIGN NAME - NAME Simplisia Phaleriae Fructus (Phaleria).

God petals contain antihistamines, alkaloids, saponins, and polyphenols (lignans). Leather fruits contain alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids.

Curable Disease:
NATURE AND USSAGE Fruit efficacious relieve itching (antipruritus) and anticancer drugs. Seeds berracun. RESULTS AND EFFECTS pharmacological results showed that the extract bioactivity Phaleria BSLT method, followed by testing in vitro anticancer screening against cell leukemia 1210, showed very high toxicity and potential as anticancer. Identification of active chemical compounds in extracts obtained Phaleria lignan compound belonging to a class of polyphenolic compounds and syringaresinol (Dra. Vivi Lisdawati MSi, Apt., Thesis S-2 in the UL Faculty Voice Updates, Wednesday, April 9, 2003).
Here are some benefits Phaleria based on the results of the study:
Crown god scientifically proven to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by 50%. His research involves examining the value of L210 leukemia cell growth inhibition by extracts crown of God.
The test results of the antioxidant activity of the plant crown god suggests that the seed coat and the fruit has a potential antioxidant activity.
Testing of anti-allergy / antihistamine extracts showed that all the gods crown has an antihistamine effect.
Crown god efficacy trials to reduce the heat (anti-pyretic), lower uric acid levels, reducing pain (analgesic), and various other diseases.

Parts of plants used as medicine are the leaves, meat and fruit leather. The leaves and the skin of the fruit can be used fresh or the dried, while the flesh of the fruit is used after drying.

Fruit skin and flesh of the fruit is used for:
- Dysentery,
- Psoriasis, and acne.
The leaves and seeds are used for the treatment of:
- Skin diseases such as eczema and hives.

Not yet known effective dose that is safe and beneficial. For drugs taken, use some dried fruit slices (without seeds). Over the past few days a new dose increased little by little, until the perceived benefits. For severe illnesses, such as cancer and psoriasis, the dose should be greater use sometimes in order to get improved benefits. Note the side-effects that arise.
Boil Phaleria skin is dried (15 g) with two cups of water to boil for 15 minutes. Once cool, strain clan drinking water as well. Do it 2-3 times a day.
Cut the fresh Phaleria (three pieces), seeds removed, then sliced ​​thin and dry in the sun to dry. Boil these bulbs with one liter of water over high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer until the remaining quarter. Once cool, strain and drink the water twice a day, each half. If symptoms of poisoning, lower the dose or discontinue use.

Eczema, hives
Wash fresh petals god taste, and grind until smooth. Stick it on the sick, and dressing. Replace 2-3 times a day.

The use of medicinal plants should be based on the principle of benefit and safety. If useful to cure disease, but not safe because of the toxic, should be considered the possibility of acute poisoning and chronic poisoning may occur.
The fruit, especially the seeds berracun. If fresh fruit eaten directly, can cause swelling in the mouth, thrush, intoxication, seizures, fainting.
Using excessive doses for long periods can cause side effects, such as chronic headaches.
Pregnant women are prohibited from taking these herbs.

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Efficacy of Single Garlic or Onions Lanang

Garlic has long been a loyal friend of those who wrestle in the world of cooking. Not many know that spices this one has a variety of properties and uses. One of them, the efficacy of single garlic can prevent and treat various diseases.Garlic contains volatile oils useful as an antiseptic and antibacterial. In addition, a single garlic contains allicin as antikolesterol. Single garlic is garlic that grows with a clove hanging in some tree trunks, rounded shape and clean white.Indications and Uses Garlic Single

Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. If it were so, heart disease and high blood pressure so away.
Cancer prevention. The content of sulfides in garlic may help the liver in the formation of toxic chemicals and cancer-causing chemicals. Eat garlic regularly to cancer risk is not attacked by the body.
Treating the flu. Taste and smell typical of garlic can improve existing work mucous membrane in the respiratory tract so that breathing becomes relieved that mucus out of the nose was clogged.
Diabetics control tools. As we know, people with diabetes should not eat too much sweet and fatty foods. This often makes them easy limp and lackluster. Garlic single inclusion in the Food processed foods can increase your stamina so that the benefits of good food to be had.
For those who have stomach ulcers. You can use garlic as a single ulcer pain barrier before attacking. Peel and wash garlic and chew. Do it three times a day.
Besides, we can overcome asthma, colds, and coughs. Single garlic that has been mashed and mixed with liquid honey rock sugar. Then, filtered and drink every morning.Another benefit is in addition to onions lanang can increase stamina, eating garlic can berhasiat as an anti-infective for the body. Usually a single bersiung garlic (garlic lanang) many people search for the herbs.Plants that spread almost all over the Indonesian archipelago is the science could be proved usefulness. Chemical content in both the onion is not only in the flesh, but the stem tuber. Single garlic capsules are now made in order to enable consumers to drink and got his usefulness.Patients with hypertension can decrease blood pressure due to high calcium. Saltivine in onions may help people in the process of cell regeneration. You are worried about the children as they often play with the ground and the place is dirty, the content disulfidanya act as antibacterial and anticacingan.Beware of the odor generated after you eat it. The smell can be eliminated not by eating candy, but warm thick drink, such as tea or coffee.


Dragon fruit has beneficial properties for human health such as balancing blood sugar levels, protective oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating complaints whitish.

   Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruit contains high moisture content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 Briks. Dragon fruit can also be presented in the form of juice, fruit juice, jam or preserves maupu various forms of presentation according to your tastes.

   In general, experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium are good for kesihatan versus other fruits are imported.

   According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, honey cactus fruit is quite rich with a variety of vitamins and mineral substances which help increase endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.

   "Research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and lowering fat levels in body, "he said.

  Overall, every red dragon fruit contains a protein that can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of disease), calcium (bone strengthening).

   Dragon fruit also contains iron to increase the blood, vitamin B1 (to prevent fever body), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol) and vitamin C (add slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).

Here is a complete nutritional dragon fruit:

Sugar Levels: 13-18 Briks
Water: 90%
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Acid: 0.139 g
Protein: 0.53 g
Fiber: 0.71 g
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin C: 9.4 mg

   Drug efficacy dragon tree is not only derived from the fruit but the leaves and the skin of the fruit. Besides tasty red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) or often called red pitaya also has kasiat drugs are as lowering blood sugar in diabetics and smooth the skin, while the skin of the fruit and leaf extracts can improve the flexibility of blood vessels and inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

   By eating one red dragon fruit (250 grams) every morning and evening for eight days in a row will lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. As long as people consume dragon fruit should stop eating rice because rice is a source of sugar for diabetics.

Smooth Skin

   According to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf specialists of traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinese culture the dragon fruit believed to smooth the skin so it appears more beautiful, but she is not used to treat deadly diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Dragon fruit is good for overcoming heat because it is cool.

Inhibit Tumor Cell Growth

   Savor the dragon tree is not on the fruit but the leaves and the skin of fruit. The results of Rosario Vargas Sols Laboratorio de Investigation de Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco Fitofarmacologia Mexico showed that chloroform extract of the leaves of white fleshed dragon fruit contains compounds taraxast pentacyclic triterpene-20-ene-3a-ol and taraxast-12, 20 (30)-dien- 3a-ol. Both compounds were shown to protect rabbit blood vessel flexibility. Researchers estimate the efficacy of the two compounds were almost equal troxerutin one micro vascular protective drug on the market. The drug was beneficial to reduce the risk of blood vessel rupture.
   The results of in vitro assays were performed Li-chen Wu, Department of Applied Chemistry researchers National Chi-Nan University showed that extracts of red fleshed dragon fruit skin could potentially inhibit the growth of B16F10 tumor cells at a dose of 25 grams.

How to Grow Dragon Fruit

1. Planting Growing Requirements

- Planted in the lowlands, at an altitude of 20-500 m above the surface iaut
- Condition of loose soil, porous, many containing organic materials clan contains many nutrients, soil pH 5-7
- There is enough water available, because these plants are sensitive to drought and excess water will rot if Requires full sun exposure, to accelerate the flowering process

2. Land Preparation

- Prepare stands stanchion for plants, because these plants do not have a primary trunk is solid. Can use wood or concrete poles from size 10 cm x 10 cm with a height of 2 meters, which ditancapikan to the ground as deep as 50 cm. The upper end of the iron poles were supporting untulk berbentulk circle of branch plants

- A month before planting, terlebi Wbang empire formerly made with size 40 x 40 x 40 cm at a spacing of 2 mx 2.5 m, so that in 2000 there were approximately 1 hectare buffer planting hole

- Each pole / tree buffer was made 3-4 hole tanarn a distance of about 30 cm from the tian buffer.
- Planting hole is then given manure cook as much as 5 - 10 kg mixed with soil

3. Preparation and planting seedlings

Dragon fruit can be reproduced by:
- Cuttings and Seeds
   Commonly planted with stem cuttings of plants needed material length 25-30 cm were planted in polybags with planting medium mixture of soil, sand clan manure in the ratio 1: 1: 1.
Once the seeds mature? 3 months seedlings ready moved / planted in the field.

4. Maintenance
 - Watering
   In the early stages perturnbuhan irrigation 1-2 days. awarding excessive water will cause decay

- Fertilization
   Pernupukan given manure crop, with the provision of 3 months interval, a total of 5-10 Kg.
Organisms Pest Control Plant (OPT)
   While not known to cause disease clan pest potential. Pembersilhan land or weed control so as not to interfere with plant growth

- Trimming

   The main stem (primary) trimmed, after reaching a high pedestal (about 2 m), clan grown two secondary branches, and each branch of the secondary trimmed again grown 2cabang tertiary clan that functions as a branch of production.

5. Harvest

   After the plants aged 1.5 to 2 years, starts flowering and fruiting. Harvesting the fruit crops dragon done on fruit that has traits - traits of red color
shiny, tassels / scales change color from green to kernerahan. Harvesting dilakulkan using scissors, the fruit can be harvested when the fruit reaches the age of 50 days after anthesis

   In the first 2 years. each capable of producing fruit poles 8 s / d 10 dragon fruit and weighs approximately between 400-650 grams
Largest harvest season dragon fruit in September to March
Age productive plant dragon fruit is between 15-20 years