Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


Passion fruit is not native to Indonesia, but it is a native fruit from Latin America. plants from foreign countries, namely Brazil South America, which spread to Indonesia. Passion in his home country grows wild in the forest-wetland forest has hundreds of Passiflora species.

However, the passion fruit has been cultivated in the tropics, including Indonesia. Passion fruit benefits for human health is not in doubt, and this is what makes the passion fruit has a high commercial value.

efficacy and benefits of passion fruit are very many health benefits due to the nutritional content and benefits of passion fruit is efficacious as a pain reliever, anti-seizure, colitis, sedative, and anti-inflammatory. Disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, menstrual disorders, cough, hoarseness, dry throat can also be driven with this fruit. Passion fruit pulp is used to relax the nerves as headaches, relieve diarrhea, and neurastenia (chronic fatigue, weakness, no appetite, can not concentrate, and insomnia).

Another phytochemical content in passion fruit is harman, harmol, harmalin, passaflorine, harmine, carotenoids, viteksin, krisin, and isoviteksin. While the nutritional content such as: energy, fat, protein, fiber, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, and citric acid.

passion fruit skin is a potential energy source for the nutrition of goats. Better nutritional composition in comparison with fine bran, which can substitute the use of bran in the ration.

Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Plantae
    Division: Spermathopyta
    Order: Malpighiales
    Family: Passifloraceae
    Genus: Passiflora
    Species: Passiflora edulis

efficacy and benefits of passion fruit to cure chronic allergy symptoms. Also the recovery of the patient's condition liver and kidneys, as well as trigger the immune enhancement and strength of antibodies in the blood. In fact, passion is also able to filter, separate, and remove toxins from the body. Moreover, it could improve the freshness of the skin and stimulates the growth of young cells in the skin.

Passion fruit rich in B vitamins and potassium soothing relaxing the nervous system. The South Americans traditionally eat passion to help sleep. In fact according to them, eat 1 passion fruit before bed can make a beautiful dream.

Benefits of Passion Fruit /

There are 7 passion fruit for health benefits, namely:

1. Passion fruit Rich in Fiber

Passion fruit has a high fiber content. It is very beneficial for digestive health, digestive and intestinal tract to be clean. You can chose the passion fruit as a source of fiber. Seeds of the passion fruit can be eaten as they contain fiber. Passion fruit can also be used as a mild laxative.

2. Passion fruit Rich in Antioxidants

The colors of purple passion fruit skin and flesh color is orange, indicating that the passion fruit is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are responsible for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in the body. Passion fruit has a water and fat-soluble antioxidants. One of the main antioxidants found in passion fruit is beta-carotene.

3. Passion fruit Very Good for Asthma Sufferers

For people with asthma, passion fruit is a very nutritious fruit and healthy that can soothe asthma attacks. In addition because it contains vitamin C, passion fruit seems to have the effect of blocking the histamine that causes asthma symptoms.

4. Passion fruit has a relaxation effect

Drink a glass of cold passion fruit juice can help you relax your mind and nerves and make a more calm feeling. Passion fruit is often used as a remedy for digestive problems and gastric diseases.

5. Passion fruit Very Good for insomnia sufferers

Passion fruit has a soporific effect on the human nervous system that makes sense of calm and helps you to relax your pirikan. This greatly helps people with insomnia or those who do not sleep well. A glass of fruit juice can you drink markisasebelum bed to expedite your sleep.

6. Passion fruit is a good source of nutrition

As we saw earlier, passion fruit is a good source of vitamin C, a serving of 100 g (3.5 ounces) contains 30 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C improves the immune system and is an antioxidant. A serving of 100 g passion fruit contains 1275 IU of vitamin A. Vitamin A to improve the quality of vision and assist in the fight against infection, makes skin glow and helps the growth of healthy cells. Passion fruit is also a source of potassium (348 mg in 100 g). This mineral has a healthy effect on the human heart and help the heart function, blood flow and pressure in the body. In addition to potassium, passion fruit also contains iron, magnesium and calcium.

7. Passion fruit is excellent Consumed People Moderate Diet

For people who are on diet, fruits are things that must be consumed, and passion fruit are very good to eat. This is because of the passion fruit has low calories, only 97 calories per 100 g. Passion fruit is also low in sodium and lemak.Buah passion fruit also contains carbohydrates and natural sugars in good numbers. This fruit nutrients works to lower cholesterol levels in the body. High fiber content in this fruit makes you full, so you do not want to eat another meal again.
Efficacy of Passion Fruit

There are many properties owned by the passion fruit like the one below:

    Recovering Cancer
    Overcoming insomnia
    Overcome cough
    Calming hyperactive children
    Launched Haid trip
    Keeping facial beauty
    Lowering Cholesterol
    Channel widens narrowed blood vessels
    Blood circulation
    Loss of body heat
    Prevent hypertension
    Facial wrinkle remover
    Keep in shape

Kamis, 11 April 2013


Ingredients and Efficacy of Young Coconut Water for Health -Do you include people who like fruit - tropical fruit? maybe one of them coconuts? indeed since the first we know that fruit - fruit is very good for our bodies. Due to the content of vitamins, minerals and fiber from the fruit itself. As well as with coconuts and of course you also do not be surprised if it contains a lot of benefits of coconuts and efficacy. But before I lay out the benefits, let's discuss the coconut fruit itself.
Coconut (Cocos nucifera), including type of palm tree that has fruit sized large enough. Coconut trees generally stand tall and unbranched, and can reach 10-14 feet. Berpelepah leaves, to a length of 3-4 meters with fins that stick blade prop each. The fruit is wrapped with fibers and shells are strong enough so as to obtain the coconuts should be skinned first. Coconut can produce a large and fertile 2-10 coconuts each stem. (Source:
Ingredients Coconut
Old coconut fruits contain high calories, at 359 calories per 100 grams; older half coconut meat contains calories 180 calories per 100 grams and young coconut meat contains no calories at 68 calories per 100 grams. Being the average value of calories contained in coconut water around 17 calories per 100 grams. Green coconut water, compared with other types of oil contains a lot of tannin or antidote (anti-venom) the highest. Other chemical substances that stands out in the form of an enzyme that can break down toxic properties. Composition of chemical substances contained in coconut water include ascorbic acid or vitamin C, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium or potassium. The minerals contained in coconut water are iron, phosphorus and sugar consisting of glucose, fructose and sucrose. Water content contained in a number of coconuts 95.5 grams of every 100 grams.

Content of Young Coconut Water
In general, coconut water contains 4.7 percent total solids, 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, 0.74 percent fat and 0.46 percent minerals. Nutritional composition of such a good cause coconut water can be used as a medium for microbial growth, such as Acetobacter xylinum for the production of nata de coco.
Benefits and Efficacy of Young Coconut Water for Health:
• By drinking coconut water on a regular basis to treat dengue.
  Can also be taken with added lime juice.• Relieve fatigue and lethargy. Drink it with a little sugar and
  ice in order to feel more refreshed.• Ability to treat intestinal worms in children. Add a little 
  lemon juice to a glass of coconut water. Drink up to 3 times a
  day.• Overcoming difficult urination and frequent urination. Because
  coconut water is able to clean the urinary tract.• Able to eradicate intestinal worms. Drink coconut water
  regularly 3x a day with plus 1 teaspoon olive oil.• People who are pregnant need plenty of fluids. Young coconut
  water is very good if consumed.• Ability to treat people who are intoxicated due to drugs or 
  consume certain pills.• Young coconut water contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral and 
  anti-fungal similar to breast milk.• Maintain digestive function in the body.• Overcoming the nausea and vomiting.• Trust is able to break up kidney stones. People who suffer from
  kidney disease should consume coconut water in addition to 
  a prescription from a doctor. Coconut water will soften the
  crust or mucus that forms in the kidney.• Young coconut water is an isotonic fluid. Actually many major 
  beverage made from young coconut water good for fitness.

In addition to the above benefits of coconut water also has a particularly special benefits for women include:
1. Healthy beverages for pregnant women
Pregnant women who live in the tropics are advised to drink coconut water every day to cope with morning sickness and prevent nausea. Coconut water contains electrolytes, chloride, calcium, potassium, sodium, and riboflavin. This refreshing drink is also rich in vitamin C which is needed during pregnancy. Coconut water also contains lauric acid (found in milk). Moreover, coconut water also has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that protect the body from infection.
2. Cure a urinary tract infection
It is an infection that generally faced by most women. Coconut water to kill the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections or other. Drinking coconut water twice a day, if you also suffer from vaginal infections.
3. Keeps you hydrated
Coconut water is one of the best drinks I have many health benefits for women. Dehydration can lead to health complications. So, whenever you are dehydrated, drink coconut water immediately. This not only keeps you hydrated, but also remove toxins from the body.
4. Weight loss
This is one of the health benefits of coconut water which not only applies to women, but also men. Coconut water is known for a low-calorie, make the stomach full longer. In addition to removing toxins from the body, coconut water also cleans the system and push the oxygen in the blood cells. It is a fat-free beverage that can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and burn fat in the body.
5. Good for the skin
Women try various treatments to get beautiful skin and perfect. You certainly happy to learn that coconut water provides many health benefits for women's skin. Coconut water hydrates the skin and clean it from the inside. So, to get the skin soft and glowing, drinking coconut water on a regular basis.
6. Overcome burning sensation in the vagina
Vaginal infections can cause burning sensation in the vagina. So, if you experience it, immediately drink coconut water.

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric Benefits For Health And how mixes

Turmeric benefits of a diverse regam make turmeric plant is very familiar to everyone. Turmeric is also easy to find, because so many benefits of turmeric. By mothers of turmeric is often used as a spice in cuisines such as curry, soup, vegetables lodeh, or too often experienced in the manufacture of dyes dijadika Variations yellow.

Besides turmeric is often used in health and beauty. But despite the many benefits of turmeric

The content of the most dominant Turmeric is a medicinal compound called 2C $ curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin bisdesmetoksikurkumin much as 10% and as much as 1-5% and beneficial substances such as essential oils consisting of ketones sesquiterpenes, turmeron, tumeon 60 %, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contains as much as 1 -3% fat, 3% carbs, 30% Protein, Starch 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and upkalsium.

Here are some benefits of saffron or turmeric for health:

Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. How to cure: Take 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Then boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered. after it was taken 2 times a week 1/2 cup.

1.      For Typhus Hospital. How: Prepare 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 hump sere, 1 sheet bitter leaf. Then all the ingredients finely and squeezed to take water, then add 1 cup of the cooking water is still warm, and filtered. Drunk, and performed for 1 week in a row. Or take one of the simplest grated turmeric, then squeeze without diberri water, then water was added honey turmeric juice mix well. Then drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.
2.      For dysentery. How to take 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste. Then all the material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered. Drunk and repeated until healed.
3.      Stomach Heartburn during menstruation. Way to take one for 4 cm turmeric, 1 by 4 cm ginger, 1/2 rhizome kencur 4 cm. Then all the material is washed and shredded to take water, then add the lime juice, brewed with 1/2 cup hot water and filtered. Can also added salt and sugar to taste and drink on the first day of menstruation. or maybe honey.
4.      Streamlining the ASI. How one until finely ground turmeric, kamdianunakan: applied as a compress around each breast 1 time every 2 days.
5.      Cangkrang (Waterproken) How 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves eceng, then pounded until smooth. After it is applied to the taxable part cangkrang.
6.      Mucus stools (dysentery) How 1 rhizome of turmeric, 1 slice of gambier, 1/4 tablespoon whiting. Then boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered. Then drink 2 times a day 1/2 cup, morning and afternoon.
7.      Diarrhoea How rhizome of turmeric 1/2 fingers; penetrance wind 1/2 teaspoon; Coriander 3 seeds; Fruit wood ules 1 seed; leaves Trawas 1 piece, Mix ground, plus 115 ml of water and boiled; then filtered, Drunk in the morning and afternoon; each time drank 100 ml

You can also take advantage of turmeric to the skin, like a princess palace. This is a recipe passed down scrub at the Royal Palace in Java. But if we are too busy cultivating turmeric for drugs above, you can get that is in powder form. Many are already in the form of capsules, all we can buy at the store nearest herbs. It will be easier for us to consume.

For women who are pregnant, do not take turmeric for saffron suspected triggers preterm birth. Hopefully the above benefits of turmeric can be worthwhile for all of us.