How to finish planting or cultivation of ginger. Ginger is a spice of commodity exports from Indonesia, but also a traditional medicine and fitofarmaka, giving a significant role in employment and foreign exchange earnings. Packaged commodities such as fresh ginger, pickled (large white ginger), dry ginger (ginger large white, small ginger and red), and a small white ginger essential oil (ginger CVD) and red ginger. Volume demand continues to increase along with the demand for ginger products and grow the world's food and beverage industry in the country that uses raw ginger. In 1998, exports reached 32,807 tonnes of ginger Indonesia with a nominal value of U.S. $ 9,286,161. 2003 fell to 7470 tons with a value of U.S. $ 3,930,317 for not meeting quality standards. However, demand increased annually ginger. This condition in Indonesia, responded by planting growing and the emergence of various ginger products.
The development of large-scale ginger cultivation of date needs to be supported by optimal and sustainable. To achieve the optimum level of success required the cultivation of plant material to production and quality assurance as well as stabilized by applying the recommended cultivation. The rejection of Indonesian ginger export destination countries, especially Japan, due to the high contaminant microorganisms, resulting in a decrease in the income of farmers ginger '. This needs to be anticipated by applying the best advice their cultivation with the use of healthy plant material derived from varieties. In addition, because the quality of raw materials is determined by the downstream crude and pascapanennya cultivation process, standardization of standard operating procedures (SPO) is to support the cultivation of ginger GAP (Good Agricultural Practices).
Ginger is a medicinal plant in the form of quasi-trunked clump. Ginger comes from the Asia Pacific region which spread from India to China. Therefore these two nations is touted as the nation's first use of ginger as an ingredient, especially beverages, spices and traditional medicines. Ginger is included in the tribe-finding (Zingiberaceae), a family with one between the other findings such as meeting buffoonery (Cucuma xanthorrizha), black meeting (Curcuma aeruginosa), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), kencur (Kaempferia galanga), galangal (Languas galanga ) and others. Major areas include ginger ginger (Aceh), beeuing (Gayo), bahing (Batak Karo), sipodeh (Minangkabau), jahi (Lampung), ginger (Sunda), Jae (Java and Bali), jhai (Madura), Melito ( Gorontalo), geraka (Ternate), etc..
Land required for cultivation of ginger in the appropriate area for growth. For optimal growth conditions are required ginger climate and land use as follows: climate types A, B and C (Schmidt and Ferguson), the height of 300-900 m above sea level, the annual average temperature 25-30 ยบ C, the amount of wet. months (> 100 mm / bl) 7-9 months per year, annual rainfall 2500-4000 mm, light intensity 70-100% or slightly shaded to open, good soil drainage, soil texture sandy clay loam to clay, soil pH 6.8 to 7.4. In soil with a low pH can be given agricultural lime (Kaptan) 1-3 ton / ha or dolomite 0.5 to 2 tons / ha to raise the soil pH.
On the slopes> 3% recommended to terraces, bench terraces is recommended when the slope is quite steep. This is to prevent lead leaching land becomes infertile soil, and ginger seeds drift. Other land requirements are also important for ground ginger penamaman not borne disease endemic area of land (soil borne diseases), especially bacterial wilt and nematodes. To ensure the health of the land, the land should be used as a substitute for ginger ex, or no dilahan bacterial wilt disease and the only two times in a row planted ginger. The next year are encouraged to move to avoid crop failure due to disease and symptom allelopati constraints.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale ROSC,. Ginger) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the family Zingiberaceae, with two sword-shaped leaves two berpasangpasangan, rhizomes like horns, flavorful. During this time in Indonesia, based on shape, color and aroma and chemical composition are known three types of ginger, that big white ginger, ginger and red ginger CVD. Large white ginger (. Z. officinale var officinarum) have jointed rhizome large, cream-colored with a diameter of 8.47 to 8.50 cm, less sharp scent, height and length of rhizomes from 6.20 to 11.30 and 15.83 - 32.75 cm, light green leaf color, light green stems with roots in the essential oil content from 0.82 to 2.8%. Small white ginger (. Z. officinale var Amarum) have small rhizomes layered, sharp aroma, thick with a diameter of 3.27 to 4.05 cm, height and length of from 6.38 to 11.10 and 6.13 to 31.70 rhizome cm, light green leaf color, light green stem with essential oil content from 1.50 to 3.50%.
Red Ginger (. Z. officanale var rubrum) have small rhizomes layered, very pungent aroma, light orange to red with a diameter of 4.20 to 4.26 cm, height and length of rhizomes from 5.26 to 10.40 and 12.33 - 12.60 cm, light green color of the leaves, reddish green stems with essential oil content from 2.58 to 3.90%. IMACRI has removed a large white ginger varieties (Cimanggu-1) with the potential to produce 17-37 tonnes / ha. While the candidate varieties small white ginger and red ginger average production potential of each to a small white ginger is 16 tonnes / ha with the essential oil content of 1.7 to 3.8%, oleoresin content of 2.39 to 8.87% . While red ginger production potential of 22 tonnes / ha, levels of 3.2 to 3.6% volatile oil, oleoresin content of 5.86 to 6.36%.
Seeds used to be clear origins, healthy and not mixed with other varieties. Healthy seeds should come from healthy plants, not the disease. Some important diseases common ginger plant, especially the large white ginger, is a bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum), Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum), wilted rizoktonia (Rhizoctonia solani), nematodes (Rhodopolus similis) and flies rhizome (Mimergralla coeruleifrons, Eumerus figurans) and shield bugs (Aspidiella hartii). Rhizomes have been infected with the disease can not be used as a seed because it will be a source of transmission of the disease in the field. The selection must be made from the seeds of the plant are still in the field. If there is a plant disease or mixed with other species, plants with disease and other types of plants should be removed and kept away from the planting area. The selection (sorting) is then performed after the harvest, which is in the barn. This check is performed to eliminate pests and diseases infected seed or throw the seeds of another kind. Rhizomes are used for seed must have at least 10 months of age. Characteristics of old rhizomes include high fiber and leather, rough hard slippery and not easy to peel, the skin shows signs of shiny color pithy.
Rhizome was elected to serve as the seed, must have 2-3 buds that will either weighing about 25-60 g for large white ginger, 20-40 g for a small white ginger and red ginger. The seed requirement per hectare for red ginger and ginger CVD 1 to 1.5 tons, while the large white ginger is harvested seed elderly require 2-3 tonnes / ha and 5 t / ha for the large white ginger harvested young. The best part of the rhizome is used as a seed rhizomes in the second and third segments.
Before planting the seed rhizomes by ditunaskan first, sow the roots spread straw / reed thin, in the shade or in the barn and stacked. For that commonly used containers or racks made of bamboo or wood as the base. During seeding watering every day as needed, to keep the moisture rhizomes. Rhizome sprout seeds 1-2 cm height uniform, ready to be planted in the field and can adapt immediately, also not easily damaged. Rhizomes are sprouts are then selected and cut to size. To prevent bacterial infection, soaking in antibiotic solution at the recommended dosage. Then dry winds.
To achieve optimal results in the cultivation of a large white ginger, white ginger and red ginger minor, in addition to using high-yielding varieties that clear origins to note also how cultured.
Cultivation before planting done. Processed in such a way that the loose soil and cleared of weeds. Menggarpu and cultivation by hoeing the soil as deep as 30 cm, cleaned of twigs and decaying plant remains dangerous. Because if a thin layer of soil, tillage should be carefully adapted to the soil and not hoe or digarpu so deep that topsoil mixed with soil, plant growth can lead to less fertile. Having cultivated land and digemburkan, make the bed slope direction (for sloping land), the system or systems ridges pris (trench). On the bed or the mountains then make the planting hole.
Seeds planted in 5-7 cm ginger with buds facing up, not upside down, as it can inhibit growth. Space used for the cultivation of large white ginger is harvested old is 80 cm x 40 cm or 60 cm x 40 cm, small white ginger and red ginger 60 cm x 40 cm.
Mature sheep or cow manure 20 tons / ha, given 2-4 weeks before planting. While artificial fertilizers SP-36300-400 kg / ha and KCl 300-400 kg / ha, given at the time of planting. Urea is given 3 times at the age of 1 month, 2 and 3 after planting as much as 400-600 kg / ha, respectively dose 1/3 of each administration. At the age of 4 months after planting can also be extended to two impurities 20 ton / ha.
Maintenance done so that plants can grow and produce well.
a. Weeding
6-7 months until the plants grow weed, so weeding must be done in an intensive clean. Weeding after 4 months of age must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots of which can lead to the entry of seed disease. To reduce the intensity of weeding could use a thick mulch of straw or husks.
b. Stitching
Embroider plants do not grow at age 1 to 1.5 months after planting using seed reserves that have been selected and planted.
c. Pembumbunan / pendangiran
Pembumbunan timely start seedlings have formed clumps with 4-5, so the rhizome is always covered with soil. In addition, pembumbunan done, drainage is always maintained.
d. Plant pest control
Pest control in accordance. The main diseases of ginger rhizome rot caused by the attack bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum). Until now there is no adequate method of control, but to introduce measures to prevent disease seeds, such as sound land use, use of healthy seeds, healthy seed treatment (antibiotics), to avoid injury (using rice husk ash), crop rotation , cleaning crop residues and weeds, making irrigation channels so that there is no stagnant water and the water does not flow through the healthy plot (sanitation), inspection of the garden on a regular basis.
Bacterial wilt affected plants immediately removed and burned to prevent the spread of pests. Significant pest flies rhizome Mimergralla coeruleifrons (Diptera, Micropezidae) and Eumerus figurans (Diptera, Syrpidae), lice shield (Aspidiella hartii) that attacks from planting rhizome and root causes of poor performance and leaf spot is caused by a fungus (Phyllosticta sp.) . This disease occurs in plants when young (before 6 months) would lead to a significant drop in production. Measures to prevent the expansion of the disease by spraying fungicide as soon as it appears there was an attack (repeated every week), plant sanitation, illness, regular inspections.
To increase the productivity of land, ginger can be intercropped with food crops such as beans and vegetables, according to the soil conditions.
Harvest for consumption beginning at the age of 6 to 10 months. However, the roots for seeds harvested 10-12 months. How to harvest done by dismantling the entire rhizome using a fork, hoe, and then stick to cleared land. By using a large white ginger varieties (Cimanggu-1) produced an average of 27 tons of fresh ginger, a little white candidate varieties (3 JPK, JPK 6) recommended by cultivation, yielding an average of 16 tons / ha of fresh ginger essential oil to the level of height of 1.7 to 3.8%, oleoresin content of 2.39 to 8.87%.
While red ginger 22 tonnes / ha with the essential oil content of 3.2 to 3.6%, oleoresin content of 5.86 to 6.36%. The quality of the rhizome varieties Cimanggu-1 and candidate varieties and the small ginger red ginger white, standard Materia Medika Indonesia (MMI).
According to trading standards, the quality of fresh ginger categorized as follows:
Quality First: weight 250 g / rhizomes, skin is not peeling, do not contain foreign materials and molds;
Quality II: weight 150-249 g / rhizomes, skin is not peeling, do not contain foreign materials and molds;
Quality III: weighting corresponding analytical results, exfoliate the skin up to 10%, p 3% maximum foreign, prints up to 10%
Stages of ginger processing includes sorting, washing, slicing, drying, packaging and storage. After harvest, the rhizomes must be cleaned to avoid excessive dirt and unwanted microorganisms. Rhizomes are cleaned with high-pressure water spray, or washed by hand. After washing, dry the rhizomes dianginanginkan for washing water. Sale of fresh ginger can be directly packaged. But if desired in the form of dry or rough, it is necessary to slice thick rhizomes 1-4 mm. To get a lamp with an interesting texture, ginger slices before boiling a few minutes until the gelatinization rhizomes sliced, then dried with solar energy or with artificial hair / oven at a temperature of 36-46 ° C. When the water content has reached about 8-10%, that is, when the rhizome may be broken, drying has been considered sufficient. In addition, dry ginger is known log (small white ginger and red ginger) are processed by tingling ginger piece that most of the water out, then dried with solar energy or dried or oven until the moisture content reaches 8-10%. Dried rhizome can be packed in a plastic box, bag or airtight, and can be kept safely, when the water level is low. Storage space should be considered sanitary, well ventilated, with a low ambient temperatures and dry to prevent contamination by microbes and pests warehouse.
Diversification PRODUCT
In addition to crude oil, can be obtained from the rhizome of ginger essential oil, oleoresin, powder, pickled ginger, ginger in syrup, candied ginger, ginger crystals and ginger wine. Pickled ginger is the export potential of the material, made of large white ginger harvested young (3 months), with a low fiber content. While ginger candy, candy, syrup, instant, sherbet and ginger sekoteng from harvested small white parents. In addition to traditional medicine (herbal medicine), ginger has been used for medicinal fitofarmaka started because gingerolnya content. This active ingredient isolated from the extract of ginger is useful for treating pain, muscle bone and joint.
To get optimal results favorable to agriculture, the factors of production in aquaculture should be taken into account. Here is the analysis of ginger farming using improved varieties and cultivation IMACRI candidate recommendation.
In Jamaica, "ginger" new product immediately thrown into the bath-water, then diobok meddle with self-cleaning. If you export the results to the planters, lamps "Ginger" should be clean as well as from the outer membrane. Jamaica is known as a producer of "ginger" is the best dry, peel the outer membrane by hand after 'ginger-ginger "soaked in hot water again after pared put into the water, to be washed again thoroughly .. Then" ginger "which has been soaked in clean water for one night Accidental immersion tank was plastered lime juice, so the color. " Ginger "is young. After everything dried on mats full sunlight, when it was incorporated into the warehouse dry afternoon.
After drying this way for 7 days, usually "ginger" is pretty dry. And it weighs about 70% of the original weight of life. However, pollen levels "ginger" there are still around 12% and the quality is good, so the behavior for sale.
"Ginger" is considered high quality is "ginger-ginger" big and clean, but not dry, no interior damaged parts and no wrinkles.
"Ginger" is included in medicinal plants and herbs nutritious food. "Ginger" is also known to contain anti-pain naturally so that pretty much anyone who uses oil "ginger" as a pain reliever and swelling