Rabu, 26 September 2012


Kapulogo or Cardamom plants or if the Sunda region called 'Kapol' in scientific language called Elletria cardamomum is one among the herbs that have a high economic value and bright prospects given the cardamom as a "natural remedy" is believed to have no side effects than by using chemical drugs.
In addition, the cultivation of these plants did not require its own land, in the sense of growing in the shade of other plants as interrupt or plant crops intercropping. The resulting dried fruit if you have enough reserve the high economic value. Dried fruits as well as medicinal cardamom, also taken for flavoring volatile oils or fragrances, food, drinks and as a raw material or mixture in the perfume industry.

Cropping systems that can be applied in the development of cardamom plants are cropping system and cropping pattern plantation grounds. With the integrated cropping pattern, it can be expected to increase farmers' incomes and also it can improve the productivity of plantations and conservation. Moving on from cardamom relatively easily cultivated and can be harvested four times a year, it has attracted many farmers to cultivate.

Terms Growing Plants Cardamom/ Kapol
The land is suitable for growing cardamom brown clay, has a thick humus and well drained. These plants do not withstand waterlogging, soil that has flat to sloping topography can be planted this plant. In steep sloping land, clumps formed will serve to reduce or inhibit the flow of surface water so that excessive erosion can be reduced.

As for the climate, cardamom plant requires high humidity is 40-75%, with rainfall ranging from 2500-4000 mm per year. The average daily temperature of blood where cardamom is grown plants ranged between 20-30 degrees Celsius, with light intensity is best for plant growth ranges between 30-70%. Another advantage of cardamom plants are able to grow well in lowland and highland. Meanwhile, to obtain the best results, at the height of 300-500 meters above sea level is the most appropriate cultivation areas.

In Indonesia, it can be found in traditional markets, usually in the area sellers herbs, knowingly, cardamom is often used as a food supplement. Although it has a somewhat bitter taste properties, he was able to provide warmth effect.

During this time the people who use it as medicine. Extracts of the whole plant is used as medicine for flatulence or meteorismus (accumulation of gas in the intestines), colic and weakness. The herbs are finely ground with water is used as a liniment for gout. Extract from the root tuber is used as a fever medicine. Seeds are mamah material, also used as a spice (for the cake) and as a drug, for example, to treat shortness of breath, halitosis (futor exore) and to treat cough and itchy ditenggorokan with memamahnya. In the material contained seeds that contain oil kardamon terpineol, terpinylasetat, sineol, borneol and sabinen, albumen, calcium-oxalate and silisium. It also contains essential oils (alfaborneol and betakamfer) are believed to dilute the phlegm, ease expenditure wind from the stomach, warms, cleanses the blood, relieve pain, scent.

Some ailments can be cured with cardamom, and the following is part of the plant that can be used at the same time how to make it:

1. Stomach cramps, arthritis: all parts of this plant, including the
    roots boiled for about a quarter hours with filtered, water is 
2. Fever: rods boiled for about fifteen minutes and then filtered. 
    water to drink.
3. Cough: fruit chew.
4. Prevent nausea: fruit is boiled and eaten.
5. Body odor: rhizome boiled and drunk enough.
6. Tonsillitis, menstrual disorders, stomach cramps, mouthwash, 
    influenza, stomach ulcers, shortness of breath, weakness: stewed
    fruit, food and many others.

Cardamom also has a delicious scent that the English flattering as grains of paradise. Savory aroma comes from the cardamom essential oil content. Essential oil contains five substances, namely:

* borneol (a terpene) that smells like the smell of camphor in 
   camphor tree sap
* terpinilasetat alpha-like smell fragrant orange pettigrain
* limonene are also fragrant smells like tangerines
* alpha terpinen like fragrant lemon
* cineol a warm spicy odor like eucalyptus oil.

No wonder so many people use the seeds to be sown apada glass of hot tea. In addition to its distinctive aroma, turns out many properties

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