fruit has beneficial properties for human health such as balancing
blood sugar levels, protective oral health, prevention of colon cancer,
reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating complaints whitish.
Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruit contains high moisture content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 Briks. Dragon fruit can also be presented in the form of juice, fruit juice, jam or preserves maupu various forms of presentation according to your tastes.
In general, experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium are good for kesihatan versus other fruits are imported.
According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, honey cactus fruit is quite rich with a variety of vitamins and mineral substances which help increase endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.
"Research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and lowering fat levels in body, "he said.
Overall, every red dragon fruit contains a protein that can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of disease), calcium (bone strengthening).
Dragon fruit also contains iron to increase the blood, vitamin B1 (to prevent fever body), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol) and vitamin C (add slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).
Here is a complete nutritional dragon fruit:
Sugar Levels: 13-18 Briks
Water: 90%
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Acid: 0.139 g
Protein: 0.53 g
Fiber: 0.71 g
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin C: 9.4 mg
Drug efficacy dragon tree is not only derived from the fruit but the leaves and the skin of the fruit. Besides tasty red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) or often called red pitaya also has kasiat drugs are as lowering blood sugar in diabetics and smooth the skin, while the skin of the fruit and leaf extracts can improve the flexibility of blood vessels and inhibit the growth of tumor cells.
Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
By eating one red dragon fruit (250 grams) every morning and evening for eight days in a row will lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. As long as people consume dragon fruit should stop eating rice because rice is a source of sugar for diabetics.
Smooth Skin
According to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf specialists of traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinese culture the dragon fruit believed to smooth the skin so it appears more beautiful, but she is not used to treat deadly diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Dragon fruit is good for overcoming heat because it is cool.
Inhibit Tumor Cell Growth
Savor the dragon tree is not on the fruit but the leaves and the skin of fruit. The results of Rosario Vargas Sols Laboratorio de Investigation de Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco Fitofarmacologia Mexico showed that chloroform extract of the leaves of white fleshed dragon fruit contains compounds taraxast pentacyclic triterpene-20-ene-3a-ol and taraxast-12, 20 (30)-dien- 3a-ol. Both compounds were shown to protect rabbit blood vessel flexibility. Researchers estimate the efficacy of the two compounds were almost equal troxerutin one micro vascular protective drug on the market. The drug was beneficial to reduce the risk of blood vessel rupture.
The results of in vitro assays were performed Li-chen Wu, Department of Applied Chemistry researchers National Chi-Nan University showed that extracts of red fleshed dragon fruit skin could potentially inhibit the growth of B16F10 tumor cells at a dose of 25 grams.
How to Grow Dragon Fruit
1. Planting Growing Requirements
- Planted in the lowlands, at an altitude of 20-500 m above the surface iaut
- Condition of loose soil, porous, many containing organic materials clan contains many nutrients, soil pH 5-7
- There is enough water available, because these plants are sensitive to drought and excess water will rot if Requires full sun exposure, to accelerate the flowering process
2. Land Preparation
- Prepare stands stanchion for plants, because these plants do not have a primary trunk is solid. Can use wood or concrete poles from size 10 cm x 10 cm with a height of 2 meters, which ditancapikan to the ground as deep as 50 cm. The upper end of the iron poles were supporting untulk berbentulk circle of branch plants
- A month before planting, terlebi Wbang empire formerly made with size 40 x 40 x 40 cm at a spacing of 2 mx 2.5 m, so that in 2000 there were approximately 1 hectare buffer planting hole
- Each pole / tree buffer was made 3-4 hole tanarn a distance of about 30 cm from the tian buffer.
- Planting hole is then given manure cook as much as 5 - 10 kg mixed with soil
3. Preparation and planting seedlings
Dragon fruit can be reproduced by:
- Cuttings and Seeds
Commonly planted with stem cuttings of plants needed material length 25-30 cm were planted in polybags with planting medium mixture of soil, sand clan manure in the ratio 1: 1: 1.
Once the seeds mature? 3 months seedlings ready moved / planted in the field.
4. Maintenance
- Watering
In the early stages perturnbuhan irrigation 1-2 days. awarding excessive water will cause decay
- Fertilization
Pernupukan given manure crop, with the provision of 3 months interval, a total of 5-10 Kg.
Organisms Pest Control Plant (OPT)
While not known to cause disease clan pest potential. Pembersilhan land or weed control so as not to interfere with plant growth
- Trimming
The main stem (primary) trimmed, after reaching a high pedestal (about 2 m), clan grown two secondary branches, and each branch of the secondary trimmed again grown 2cabang tertiary clan that functions as a branch of production.
5. Harvest
After the plants aged 1.5 to 2 years, starts flowering and fruiting. Harvesting the fruit crops dragon done on fruit that has traits - traits of red color
shiny, tassels / scales change color from green to kernerahan. Harvesting dilakulkan using scissors, the fruit can be harvested when the fruit reaches the age of 50 days after anthesis
In the first 2 years. each capable of producing fruit poles 8 s / d 10 dragon fruit and weighs approximately between 400-650 grams
Largest harvest season dragon fruit in September to March
Age productive plant dragon fruit is between 15-20 years
Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruit contains high moisture content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 Briks. Dragon fruit can also be presented in the form of juice, fruit juice, jam or preserves maupu various forms of presentation according to your tastes.
In general, experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium are good for kesihatan versus other fruits are imported.
According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, honey cactus fruit is quite rich with a variety of vitamins and mineral substances which help increase endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.
"Research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and lowering fat levels in body, "he said.
Overall, every red dragon fruit contains a protein that can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of disease), calcium (bone strengthening).
Dragon fruit also contains iron to increase the blood, vitamin B1 (to prevent fever body), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol) and vitamin C (add slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).
Here is a complete nutritional dragon fruit:
Sugar Levels: 13-18 Briks
Water: 90%
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Acid: 0.139 g
Protein: 0.53 g
Fiber: 0.71 g
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin C: 9.4 mg
Drug efficacy dragon tree is not only derived from the fruit but the leaves and the skin of the fruit. Besides tasty red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) or often called red pitaya also has kasiat drugs are as lowering blood sugar in diabetics and smooth the skin, while the skin of the fruit and leaf extracts can improve the flexibility of blood vessels and inhibit the growth of tumor cells.
Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
By eating one red dragon fruit (250 grams) every morning and evening for eight days in a row will lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. As long as people consume dragon fruit should stop eating rice because rice is a source of sugar for diabetics.
Smooth Skin
According to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf specialists of traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinese culture the dragon fruit believed to smooth the skin so it appears more beautiful, but she is not used to treat deadly diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Dragon fruit is good for overcoming heat because it is cool.
Inhibit Tumor Cell Growth
Savor the dragon tree is not on the fruit but the leaves and the skin of fruit. The results of Rosario Vargas Sols Laboratorio de Investigation de Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco Fitofarmacologia Mexico showed that chloroform extract of the leaves of white fleshed dragon fruit contains compounds taraxast pentacyclic triterpene-20-ene-3a-ol and taraxast-12, 20 (30)-dien- 3a-ol. Both compounds were shown to protect rabbit blood vessel flexibility. Researchers estimate the efficacy of the two compounds were almost equal troxerutin one micro vascular protective drug on the market. The drug was beneficial to reduce the risk of blood vessel rupture.
The results of in vitro assays were performed Li-chen Wu, Department of Applied Chemistry researchers National Chi-Nan University showed that extracts of red fleshed dragon fruit skin could potentially inhibit the growth of B16F10 tumor cells at a dose of 25 grams.
How to Grow Dragon Fruit
1. Planting Growing Requirements
- Planted in the lowlands, at an altitude of 20-500 m above the surface iaut
- Condition of loose soil, porous, many containing organic materials clan contains many nutrients, soil pH 5-7
- There is enough water available, because these plants are sensitive to drought and excess water will rot if Requires full sun exposure, to accelerate the flowering process
2. Land Preparation
- Prepare stands stanchion for plants, because these plants do not have a primary trunk is solid. Can use wood or concrete poles from size 10 cm x 10 cm with a height of 2 meters, which ditancapikan to the ground as deep as 50 cm. The upper end of the iron poles were supporting untulk berbentulk circle of branch plants
- A month before planting, terlebi Wbang empire formerly made with size 40 x 40 x 40 cm at a spacing of 2 mx 2.5 m, so that in 2000 there were approximately 1 hectare buffer planting hole
- Each pole / tree buffer was made 3-4 hole tanarn a distance of about 30 cm from the tian buffer.
- Planting hole is then given manure cook as much as 5 - 10 kg mixed with soil
3. Preparation and planting seedlings
Dragon fruit can be reproduced by:
- Cuttings and Seeds
Commonly planted with stem cuttings of plants needed material length 25-30 cm were planted in polybags with planting medium mixture of soil, sand clan manure in the ratio 1: 1: 1.
Once the seeds mature? 3 months seedlings ready moved / planted in the field.
4. Maintenance
- Watering
In the early stages perturnbuhan irrigation 1-2 days. awarding excessive water will cause decay
- Fertilization
Pernupukan given manure crop, with the provision of 3 months interval, a total of 5-10 Kg.
Organisms Pest Control Plant (OPT)
While not known to cause disease clan pest potential. Pembersilhan land or weed control so as not to interfere with plant growth
- Trimming
The main stem (primary) trimmed, after reaching a high pedestal (about 2 m), clan grown two secondary branches, and each branch of the secondary trimmed again grown 2cabang tertiary clan that functions as a branch of production.
5. Harvest
After the plants aged 1.5 to 2 years, starts flowering and fruiting. Harvesting the fruit crops dragon done on fruit that has traits - traits of red color
shiny, tassels / scales change color from green to kernerahan. Harvesting dilakulkan using scissors, the fruit can be harvested when the fruit reaches the age of 50 days after anthesis
In the first 2 years. each capable of producing fruit poles 8 s / d 10 dragon fruit and weighs approximately between 400-650 grams
Largest harvest season dragon fruit in September to March
Age productive plant dragon fruit is between 15-20 years
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