Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric Benefits For Health And how mixes

Turmeric benefits of a diverse regam make turmeric plant is very familiar to everyone. Turmeric is also easy to find, because so many benefits of turmeric. By mothers of turmeric is often used as a spice in cuisines such as curry, soup, vegetables lodeh, or too often experienced in the manufacture of dyes dijadika Variations yellow.

Besides turmeric is often used in health and beauty. But despite the many benefits of turmeric

The content of the most dominant Turmeric is a medicinal compound called 2C $ curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin bisdesmetoksikurkumin much as 10% and as much as 1-5% and beneficial substances such as essential oils consisting of ketones sesquiterpenes, turmeron, tumeon 60 %, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contains as much as 1 -3% fat, 3% carbs, 30% Protein, Starch 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and upkalsium.

Here are some benefits of saffron or turmeric for health:

Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. How to cure: Take 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Then boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered. after it was taken 2 times a week 1/2 cup.

1.      For Typhus Hospital. How: Prepare 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 hump sere, 1 sheet bitter leaf. Then all the ingredients finely and squeezed to take water, then add 1 cup of the cooking water is still warm, and filtered. Drunk, and performed for 1 week in a row. Or take one of the simplest grated turmeric, then squeeze without diberri water, then water was added honey turmeric juice mix well. Then drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.
2.      For dysentery. How to take 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste. Then all the material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered. Drunk and repeated until healed.
3.      Stomach Heartburn during menstruation. Way to take one for 4 cm turmeric, 1 by 4 cm ginger, 1/2 rhizome kencur 4 cm. Then all the material is washed and shredded to take water, then add the lime juice, brewed with 1/2 cup hot water and filtered. Can also added salt and sugar to taste and drink on the first day of menstruation. or maybe honey.
4.      Streamlining the ASI. How one until finely ground turmeric, kamdianunakan: applied as a compress around each breast 1 time every 2 days.
5.      Cangkrang (Waterproken) How 2 rhizome turmeric, 1 handful of leaves eceng, then pounded until smooth. After it is applied to the taxable part cangkrang.
6.      Mucus stools (dysentery) How 1 rhizome of turmeric, 1 slice of gambier, 1/4 tablespoon whiting. Then boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered. Then drink 2 times a day 1/2 cup, morning and afternoon.
7.      Diarrhoea How rhizome of turmeric 1/2 fingers; penetrance wind 1/2 teaspoon; Coriander 3 seeds; Fruit wood ules 1 seed; leaves Trawas 1 piece, Mix ground, plus 115 ml of water and boiled; then filtered, Drunk in the morning and afternoon; each time drank 100 ml

You can also take advantage of turmeric to the skin, like a princess palace. This is a recipe passed down scrub at the Royal Palace in Java. But if we are too busy cultivating turmeric for drugs above, you can get that is in powder form. Many are already in the form of capsules, all we can buy at the store nearest herbs. It will be easier for us to consume.

For women who are pregnant, do not take turmeric for saffron suspected triggers preterm birth. Hopefully the above benefits of turmeric can be worthwhile for all of us.

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