Senin, 17 September 2012

Noni Fruit

The plant is grown in the lowlands to the height of 1500 m. Noni tree height reaches 3-8 m, has a white flower head. The fruit is a fruit compound, which is still young and has shiny green spotted, and when the old white with black spots.
Traditionally, the Acehnese people use noni fruit as a vegetable and salad. The leaves are also used as an ingredient nicah peugaga that often appear as a menu obligatory fasting. Noni (keumeudee) because it is often planted near the house in the countryside in Aceh. Besides noni is also often used as medicines.
The origins
The origin of noni can not be separated by the presence of Polynesian people who settled in the Pacific islands. Polynesian nation is believed to come from (South East Asia). In the year 100 BC, the famous bold mengembara.Tanpa apparent reason they crossed the ocean to leave their homeland. There is a sense disappoint the pilgrims were in with one thing and mean distance himself from his previous life. After long wandering, they came around Polynesia, the islands around the South Pacific. The adventurers are immediately fell in love at the sight of the beautiful scenery, the condition of the beach, and island.
Interestingly, they seemed to have been preparing to move to another island. This can be evidenced by the number of plants and animals are receding, as it is considered essential to sustain life. Some native plants, such as bananas, taro, yams, breadfruit, sugar cane, and noni, which brought dibawanya.Di between, there is still a form of cuttings and shoots. One of the plants, the noni, considered sacred items. Since 1500 years ago the islanders are now called hawaii is known as the noni noni. They suspect the Latin name Morinda citrifolia plant has many benefits. They see it as a magic plant Hawaii, because the fruit is believed to cure various diseases.
Common traits

Noni tree is not so great, between 4-6 m tall. twisted stem, branchy stiff, rough, and it has stuck in the taproot. Bark grayish-brown or yellowish-brown kuniangan, split in shallow, not fluffy, bersegai four subsidiaries. Suklalu evergreen canopy. Noni wood split easily after drying. Can be used for the support of pepper plants.

Thick glossy leaves. Noni leaf is face to face. Large leaf size, thickness, and single. The shape is oblong-lanceolate, measuring 15-50 x 5-17 cm. average leaf edge, short pointed tip. The base of the leaf-shaped pegs. Veins pinnate leaves. Color hiaju shiny, not hairy. Short leaf base, measuring 0.5 to 2.5 cm. leverage varied leaf sizes, wide triangular. Noni leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. High nutritional value because it contains vitamin A. that he could cure ambein
Noni inflorescence type bulbs round, rimmed 1-4 cm. Flowers grow in axillary panicles leverage dealing with leaves that grow normally. The flowers are androgynous. Petals white, funnel-shaped, length can reach 1.5 cm. Stamens stuck in the mouth of the crown. Berputing two anthers. The flower blooms from the petals shaped like bunches. The flowers are white, fragrant.

Flower petals grow into a round oval of chicken eggs and some have diameters from 7.5 to 10 cm. The surface of the fruit as divided into polygonal cells (polygons) are speckled and warty. At first green fruit, before cooking a yellowish white. Once cooked, the white color transparent and soft. The pulp is composed of stone fruit pyramid-shaped, red-brown. After thawing, the meat noni fruit contains a lot of water that smells like rotten cheese. The smell was the result of mixing between capric acid and caproic acid (compound lipids or fat molecules cluster volatile, a character such as essential oils) that smells rancid and caprylic acid that tastes bad. Presumably these compounds are active as antibiotics.
The content of noni
nutrient: whole noni fruit is nutritionally complete diet. Nutrients the body needs, like proteins, viamin, and essential minerals, are available in sufficient quantities in fruit and noni leaf. Selenium, a mineral found in noni is a powerful antioxidant. Various types of compounds contained in noni: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, quinines well as between, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc..
terpenoids. It helps in the process of organic synthesis and recovery of body cells.
Substance anti bakteri.Zat-active substances contained in fruit juice can kill the bacteria that cause infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protens morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Anti-bacterial agent that also can control pathogenic bacteria (lethal) such as Salmonella montivideo, S. scotmuelleri, S. typhi and Shigella dusenteriae, S. flexnerii, S. pradysenteriae, and Staphylococcus aureus.
Scolopetin. The compound is very effective scolopetin As with other anti inflammatory and anti-allergic.
 anti-cancer agent. Anti-cancer substances found in noni most effective against abnormal cells.
Xeronine and Proxeronine. One of the important alkaloid terdapt in the noni fruit is xeronine. Noni fruit contains very little xeronine, but many contain precursor (precursor) xeronine alias proxeronine in large numbers. Proxeronine is a type of nucleic acid such as colloid-colloid others. Xeronine absorbed by the body cells to activate proteins that are not active, set the structure and shape of the active cell.

Curable Disease:
Hypertension, jaundice, fever, influenza, cough, abdominal pain; Eliminate scales on the legs.

1. Hypertension
Ingredients: 2 Noni fruit that has been cooked in a tree and 1 tablespoon
How to Make: noni fruit is squeezed to take water,
then mixed with honey until evenly distributed and screened.
How to use: drink and repeated 2 days.

2. Jaundice
Ingredients: 2 Noni fruit that has been cooked in a tree and 1 piece
sugar cube.
How to Make: noni fruit is squeezed to take water,
then mixed with honey until evenly distributed and screened.
How to use: drink and repeated 2 days.

3. Fever (colds and influenza)
Material: 1 piece ginger kencur Noni and 1;
How to Make: The second material is boiled with 2 cups of water
to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered.
How to use: drink 2 times 1 day, morning and afternoon.

4. Cough
Ingredients: 1 ½ Mengkudu and handheld leaf poo (bujanggut);
How to Make: The second material is boiled with 2 cups of water
to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered.
How to use: drink 2 times 1 day, morning and afternoon.

5. Stomach ache
Ingredients: 2-3 leaves of Morinda citrifolia
Method: finely ground, plus salt and poured boiling water
How to use: after a cold filtered and drunk.

6. Remove scales on the legs
Ingredients: Noni fruit is ripe on the tree.
How to use: the feet are rubbed with fruit bersiisik
noni until evenly, and left to stand for 5-10 minutes,
then cleaned with a clean cloth dampened with water

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